Failed to sign SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteria

1544 Points
52 Posts

I'm trying to publish the wpf project and getting following error

Error 2 An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteria.

Earlier it was working fine.

Views: 29330
Total Answered: 2
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 28-Aug-2018 09:01

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Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts

The error comes due to SignIn tool not able to found the certificate or the certificate expired. To See if the certificate is expired or not, open project properties and go to Signing in Left menu. See below:


I) Create a new certificate and select from file.

II) Create a new wpf project and copy the certificate from the root project folder  and paste in the current project and rename it.

Posted On: 15-Sep-2018 21:59
Suren Manawatta
Suren M...
10 Points
0 Posts

I had a similar issue and found a solution.  Please look into this article

Posted On: 15-Sep-2019 23:08
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