Inverted Pyramid Pattern Algorithm and Example in C#

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Posted On: 18-Aug-2023 04:49 

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Following is example of inverted pyramic * pattern with 8 rows:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
  * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    * * * * * * * * * * *
      * * * * * * * * *
        * * * * * * *
          * * * * *
            * * *


Concept for achieving algorithm

In the above example - if we inspect we can find that '*' count from botton to up as follows:

  1. 8th row=> 1 star,
  2. 7th row=> 3 stars,
  3. 6th row=> 5 stars,
  4. 5th row=> 7 stars,
  5. 4th row=> 9 stars,
  6. 5th row=> 11 stars,
  7. 4th row=> 13 stars,
  8. ..
  9. ...
  10. ...  

So it's a odd number series. And odd number series formula will be (2n-1) where n is starting with 1.


Method for generating inverted pyramic pattern

The pattern will be divided into two part:

  1. A for loop will be used to print blank spaces
  2. A for loop will be used to print odd number series (2n-1)



  1. Initialize variables i, j and rows for rows, blank spaces and number of rows respectively.
  2. The number of rows here is 8, the user can take any number.
  3. Initialize a for loop that will work as the main loop in printing the pattern and drive the other loops inside it.
  4. Initialize a for loop that will print the blank spaces inside the main loop.
  5. Now, in order to print the star pattern in odd number. To do that, we will initialize a for loop with the condition given as 2 * i – 1, because the number of stars is odd.


Here is example in C#

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int i, j, rows = 8;
            for (i = rows ; i >= 1; i--)
                // Loop to print the blank spaces
                for (j = rows-i ; j >=1; j--)
                    Console.Write("  ");
                // Loop to print the stars
                for (j =  (2 * i - 1); j >=1; j--)
                    Console.Write("* ");
                // Move to the next line to complete the pattern

You can try online C# editor here: Inverted Pyramid




Rahul Maurya
03-Sep-2023 at 04:35

Don't know if I ever see such logical/mathematical explanation for the inverted pyramid pattern! great.

18-Apr-2024 at 23:12
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