SonarQube is an open-source platform designed for continuous inspection of code quality. It provides tools for static code analysis to identify code issues, measure code quality, and track code complexity. SonarQube supports a wide range of programming languages, making it versatile for diverse software development projects.
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Posted On: 21-Oct-2024 05:49
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
During the migration from AD B2C Graph to MS Graph API, you'll notice that the signInNames property is not available in the MS Graph User object. This article will guide you on how to migrate to the corresponding property in MS Graph User.
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Posted On: 10-Oct-2024 05:03
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
When we're navigating away from a page or application and there are unsaved changes (often referred to as "dirty" state), it's important to handle it carefully to avoid losing data. ASP.Net Blazor provides NavigationLock component to handle this situation. In this artilcle we will discuss about NavigationLock component and it's implementation.
Views: 2068
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Posted On: 11-Sep-2024 22:34
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
The ASP.NET team recently rolled out Blazor Component Virtualization, a technique for limiting UI rendering to the visible page elements only. You can easily leverage this through a built-in Virtualize component. Consider a typical scenario where you need to display a large number of items in a table. With thousands of items, users might experience long loading times as the entire dataset is fetched and rendered at once. However, with Blazor component virtualization, the application optimizes performance by initially loading only the records visible within the user's viewport. Additional records are then fetched and rendered dynamically as the user scrolls. In this article, we will demonstrate lazy loading using the .NET delegate technique.
Views: 758
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Posted On: 05-Sep-2024 23:33
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
In MongoDB, a multi-document transaction allows you to perform multiple read and write operations on multiple documents within a single transaction. This ensures the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties of the transaction. In this article we will see it with an example.
Views: 1840
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Posted On: 08-Jul-2023 04:33
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
Authentication is the process of identifying a user or client making a request to our application. Authorization is the process of determining whether a user or client has access to a specific resource or functionality within our application. In this article we will see how to authenticate and authorize ASP.NET API endpoint by using JWT token. And we will use ASP.NET Identity framework to store user credentials in an SQL server database, and we will use Entity framework and Identity framework for database operations. Also, we will be donwload project files from the article download link.
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
In .NET Core, both filters and middleware can be used to add additional functionality to an HTTP request pipeline. However, there are some differences between the two. In this article we will see uses and differences between them.
Views: 8824
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Posted On: 28-Mar-2023 21:00
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
The well-known HttpClient class can be easily used, but in some scenario, it isn't does not work properly. Although HttpClient class implements IDisposable even declaring and instantiating it within a using statement is not preferred because when the HttpClient object gets disposed of, the underlying socket is not immediately released, which can cause to a socket exhaustion problem.
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Posted On: 02-Mar-2023 03:36
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
In this article, we will solve complex aggregation with three collections. These three collections are having relationship as many-to-one-to-one. We will see uses of different pipelines like - $lookup, $unwind, $group, $replaceRoot and many more using MongoDB.Driver.
Views: 7482
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Posted On: 30-Aug-2021 05:40
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
Microsoft released .NET 5.0 on 10th November, 2020. It's major release .NET family and an unification of .NET and .NET Core Frameworks. It's big release that the next release after .NET Core 3.0. .NET 5 is the next step forward with .NET Core. There will be now one .NET going forward, and we will be able to use it to target Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, tvOS, watchOS and WebAssembly and more.
Views: 1945
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Posted On: 17-Feb-2021 05:25
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts
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