Display text vertically start from bottom to top in rdlc 2010

2890 Points
78 Posts


I want to display text in column of rdlc report such that I am able to display text vertically but it will display text top to bottom.

I am using visual studio 2013 and local report (RDLC file).

Views: 13317
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Posted On: 27-May-2015 00:03

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2376 Points
13 Posts

Hi Smith,

Version 2008 and earlier don't have this feature, see this Microsoft Connect issue.

For SSRS 2008-R2 you should be able to do this, from the MSDN tutorial:

  • Create a new report or open an existing report.
  • If the Properties pane is not open, click the View tab and select the Properties check box.
  • Click the text box for which you want to change text orientation.
  • Locate the WritingMode property in the Properties pane and in the drop-down list select the text orientation to apply to the text box.
  • Note: When the properties in the Properties pane are organized into categories, WritingMode is in the Localization category.
  • In the list box, select Horizontal, Vertical, or Rotate270.
  • The Rotate270 value is the option you're looking for.
Posted On: 27-May-2015 00:40
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