Convert JSON String To C# Object

104 Points
14 Posts


How to convert JSON String To C# Object?

I have json string as:

 "email": "",
 "iat": "1440924301",
 "exp": "1440927901",
 "name": "Nice One Code",
 "given_name": "Nice One",
 "family_name": "Code",
 "locale": "en"

I want to de-serialize to c# object.

Views: 10023
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Posted On: 30-Aug-2015 01:47

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Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts

Hi Jacob,

Use JavaScriptSerializer to deserialize the json string.

JavaScriptSerializer ScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
dynamic JsonObject = ScriptSerializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(JsonString);
string _Email;
_Email =JsonObject["email"];

Where JsonString is json string object

Posted On: 05-Sep-2015 02:11
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