How to pass $scope of your controller to your $mdDialog?

Rahul Kiwitech
Rahul K...
292 Points
26 Posts


I working with angular material. I am opening $mdDialog in my controller js and $mdDialog uses template as:

eventApp.controller('FooterController', ['$scope', 'geoService', '$mdDialog',
function ($scope, geoService, $mdDialog) {
$scope.showLoadingMessage = function (show, message) {
$scope.popLoading = show;
$scope.LoadingMessage = message;
$scope.contactEvent = function (event) {
controller: ['$scope', '$mdDialog', '$mdConstant', 'footerService', DialogeventController],
templateUrl: 'event.tmpl.html',
parent: angular.element(document.body),
targetEvent: event,
clickOutsideToClose: true
function DialogeventController($scope, $mdDialog, $mdConstant, footerService) {
$scope.showHints = true;
$scope.submitted = false;
$scope.sendTo = [];
$scope.sendContactMessageEvent = function (form) {
if ($scope[form].$valid) {
var contactMessageViewModel = {
Name: $scope.cntName,
Email: $scope.cntEmail,
PhoneNo: $scope.cntPhone,
Category: $scope.cntCategory,
SubCategory: $scope.cntSubCategory,
Message: $scope.cntMessage
$scope.showLoadingMessage(true, "Loading");
var getMessageData = footerService.sendContactMessage(contactMessageViewModel);
getMessageData.then(function (d) {
$scope.showLoadingMessage(false, "");
}, function () {
} else {
$scope.submitted = true;

In the above I am try to show loading message on form submit in dialog. But unable to do this. It always show message undefined method '$scope.showLoadingMessage'.



Views: 11076
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Posted On: 20-Jan-2017 07:01

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2890 Points
78 Posts

You can pass the $scope of your controller to your $mdDialog as an example below

parent: angular.element(document.body),
template: tmpl,
scope: $scope,
controller: 'myCtrl'
Posted On: 20-Jan-2017 07:10
Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts

You can pass the $scope of your controller to your $mdDialog as:

eventApp.controller('FooterController', ['$scope', 'geoService', '$mdDialog',
function ($scope, geoService, $mdDialog) {
$scope.showLoadingMessage = function (show, message) {
$scope.popLoading = show;
$scope.LoadingMessage = message;
$scope.contactEvent = function (event) {
controller: ['$scope', '$mdDialog', '$mdConstant', 'footerService', DialogeventController],
templateUrl: 'event.tmpl.html',
parent: angular.element(document.body),
targetEvent: event,
scope: $scope,
preserveScope: true,
clickOutsideToClose: true


Posted On: 20-Jan-2017 07:14
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