how to check if a variable is not defined in javascript

1544 Points
52 Posts

I am getting javascript error

ReferenceError: requestedCode is not defined

requestedCode is a javascript variable of type string. I want to check if this variable is defined or not but I unable to do that.

   console.log('not defined')


if(requestedCode == null){
   console.log('not defined')


if(requestedCode == undefinded){
   console.log('not defined')

But in above all cases I am getting the same error

ReferenceError: requestedCode is not defined

How I can check if a variable is not defined?


Views: 10360
Total Answered: 2
Total Marked As Answer: 2
Posted On: 16-Jan-2018 03:45

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Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts

There are two way to truly test if a variable is undefined is to do the following. Remember, undefined is an object in JavaScript.

if (typeof someVar === 'undefined') {
  // Your variable is undefined
  console.log('Your variable is undefined')


if (window['someVar'] === undefined) {
  // Your variable is undefined
  console.log('Your variable is undefined')

You can check your own in browser console. see below

Posted On: 17-Jan-2018 02:35
2890 Points
78 Posts

The typeof operator checks if the variable is really undefined.

if (typeof variable === 'undefined') {
    // variable is undefined

The typeof operator, unlike the other operators, doesn't throw a ReferenceError exception when used with an undeclared variable.

However, we should note that typeof null will return "object". We have to be careful to avoid the mistake of initializing a variable to null. To be safe, this is what we could use instead:

if (typeof variable === 'undefined' || variable === null) {
    // variable is undefined or null
Posted On: 17-Jan-2018 03:34
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