How to add user to docker group windows 10 home?

1544 Points
52 Posts

I have installed docker desktop in one administrator user account in Windows-10 home and working fine in this user. But having issue to running docker desktop in other user account.

Getting error "user in not docker users group"

I tried to add it as follows:

  1. Windows Key + R
  2. Type "netplwiz" without quotes
  3. Select user account and press property button

But here we can select single user-group

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Posted On: 15-Oct-2020 06:42

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1194 Points
33 Posts

We can use CMD PowerShell command in Windows-10 Home:

net localgroup groupname username /add


  • groupname is local group that need to add to user account
  • username is the name of account user


Open CMD in Administrator mode to add docker-users local group to guestUser:



Posted On: 16-Oct-2020 22:55
Thanks. It works for me.
 - beginer  19-Oct-2020 00:31
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