How to view website traffic statistics in Plesk hosting?

312 Points
20 Posts

How to view website traffic statistics in Plesk hosting? I'm using Godaddy Plesk Panel.

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Total Answered: 1
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Posted On: 19-Feb-2021 01:49

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2890 Points
78 Posts

Login with Plesk account credential and follow steps:


  1. Click on Web Hosting.
  2. Next to the hosting account you want to make setting, Click on Manage.
  3. Click on Plesk Admin.
  4. At the bottom of the section of the domain hosting you want to use, Click on Show More.
  5. Click on Web Statistics.
  6. Log in using your Plesk (FTP account credential) username and password.


If you want to change which stats program you are using, click on Hosting Settings. From there you can choose the Web statistics application you want to use, and then click on OK.



Posted On: 19-Feb-2021 03:03
 - Stevan  19-Feb-2021 20:56
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