The specified path, file name, or both are too long.

908 Points
132 Posts


I am getting error on publish project:

The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters,
and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. ASPNETCOMPILER

Views: 13248
Total Answered: 2
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 12-Mar-2015 15:52

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NiceOne Team
1390 Points
18 Posts

Hi, Rahul

Add this to your publish profile to modify the temporary directory for package/publish:


For this Do:

  1. Go to your web project folder, navigate to Properties\PublishProfiles folder.
  2. open your profile file profile_name.pubxml (not the profile_name.pubxml.user)
  3. copy/past <AspnetCompileMergeIntermediateOutputPath>c:\temppublish\</AspnetCompileMergeIntermediateOutputPath> under the <PropertyGroup> tag
  4. save your file, you would be able to publish your website using this profile


Posted On: 13-Mar-2015 02:31
Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts


It's working fine.

Posted On: 12-Mar-2015 19:30
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